Thursday, June 6, 2013

Yes, Big Brother is listening!!! Verizon ordered to turn over records!!!

Once again, King Obama slaps America in the face. This man is hell bent on making America a socialist control state. And he could care less what the American People think of his actions! We are a country that forgets too quickly!! The scandals keep pilling up!!!! Time for Congress to act!!!!

The Obama administration has been collecting the phone records of millions of U.S. customers of Verizon under a top secret court order, according to a British newspaper report which raised new and troubling privacy questions. 
A senior law enforcement official pushed back on the report early Thursday morning, telling Fox News that the Justice Department has not yet received a referral from the intelligence community, meaning "the process has not started yet." 
But the administration has not denied the existence of the order. While the administration defended its authority to seize phone records -- and stressed that it does not monitor calls -- one civil liberties group called this the "broadest surveillance order to ever have been issued." 

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